Saturday, June 19, 2010

Put - Put n Universiti Malaya

To my lil' sis if she read this....

CONGRATES darlin sebab dapat sambung wat degree in law kat UM. Kamu memang bijak macam kakak - kakak kamu (especially me)...hohohoho...

p/s: Put- Put is not her real name. I named her Put-Put coz I had a best friend name Putri whom I called Put n she is the 2nd Put...Put - Put (hihihihi...sesuka hati aku aje...)


  1. I know this might be a lil late.
    But,Congrats to your stubby sistah.
    UM eyh. Cool.

    anyway,Put Put? Really. Ha-ha.
    I haf dis friend.
    A momma of five and she haf 3girls among the 5.
    Each of the girls's name started with Puteri.
    Ya know what.
    She addressed the eldest Puteri as Pu1 = Pu-One =Puan, Pu2 = Pu-Two = Putu and Pu3 = Pu-Three = Putri hihihi.
    Cute(for me la).

  2. hohohoho...mmg cute!
    i pun tak pernah pikir nak panggil camtu...



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