Last week, on 18 Jun 2011 (sama date dgn bday Eti) aku terbabit sama dgn dis event. Sumenye sebab Hakak Rock la nih!Hohoho...i blame it on u,hakak...n Gwen too sebab hasut i jugak! jahat tau u two!
But the event is successful! We really had a good time catwalking around Pavilion wit our signboard n balloons on our right hand (Gwen was on d left...kidal kot minah nih?). Hmmm...xsangka rakyat Malaysia sgt2 supportive utk join skali dis walk. Kellllaaassss la rakyat Malaysia! Yang datang bukan takat muda2 belia aje...yg tahap mak bapak aku pun ade join gak!TERBAEK!
The goodies bag yg kitorg dpt pn not bad gak laaa...worth RM 100 n its from BodyShop n a bottle of twister juice yang kitorg bedal time makan dinner kat Food Republic after the walk.
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